Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Cigarettes

So, I did a good thing yesterday, and it came full circle today.

Over the past few weeks, I've had this nagging THING going on, where I've been motivated to email my old roommate, who was my best friend for years. We've been to hell and back together, each being the support system for the other, and then at times, mutually despising one another. Needless to say, there's been some turbulance between the two of us head strong bitches.

About a year ago, we moved out of our gorgeous house in the hood, and haven't spoken since. Halloween will be one year exactly. It was one of those things where everything we did got on each other's nerves. I was an asshole, she was an asshole, and we ended up pretty much avoiding each other for the last few weeks of the roof sharing. Once we were officially doing our own things, neither of us contacted the other from there on out.

Until yesterday.

Like I said, after a few weeks of this nagging feeling of thinking I should get ahold of her, I finally did it. I considered continuing my bitch streak and upholding my reputation as THE BITCHIEST BITCH OF THE TWO BITCHES, but then I started thinking. I started to consider that karma does catch up with us. I firmly believe that we get what we give. So, instead of maintaining tension and attitude, I decided I'd go soft. Life has been treating me pretty well lately, and with the impending arrival of the soldier (NEXT FUCKING WEEKEND), I don't want to have any surprises jump out of the wood work in the shape of a big fat FUCK YOU from the universe. Ya dig?

I emailed her an update of what I'd been doing for the past year, and simply said that if she wanted to get in touch with me, that I'm now at a point where the past is in the past. Before the day was over, I'd heard back from her, and it was clear that she, too, had come a long way in the last twelve months.

Tonight we talked on the phone, and from the time the call started until 41 minutes later when it ended, we didn't miss a beat. We both said fuck a lot, we talked about our jobs, asked about mutual friends, and got all mushy wushy about the fellas in our lives. Twelve months of no communication felt more like twelve minutes worth. And, for that, I am relieved.

I'm heading to the city where she lives this weekend, because I've got some photography to do, and we've agreed that we'll get together and catch up in person. I think hours will disappear without us realizing it, and that, folks, is going to be a great thing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wonderful. i am so happy about this as i have always liked her and had so much fun with you two. you two have been to hell and back and i do believe this is a true, real friendship. shit happens, but all is well again.

6:12 PM  
Blogger KULA said...

That happened with one of my friends with whom I was friends for 7 years, then something stupid ended it over 3 years ago. I finally emailed her a few months ago, after 3 years of not talking, and I was scared of seeming vulnerable, but she was really happy and said that she'd been thinking about me a lot too. It took us one dinner to catch up with the 3 missed years, but now it's back to how it was before. We've grown and changed a lot, but sometimes friends need the time apart to make their friendship that much better. And yeah, shit happens, and we just have to learn from it. Such is life!

9:32 PM  
Blogger Holy Schmidt said...

Good for you for contacting her. There are so many great friends that let one little tiff tear them appart forever.

5:04 AM  
Blogger meelo said...

i was having BAD withdrawals. thank you for saving me from another episode. life without your profanity and crudeness is just not worth living.

2:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm. That has never happened to me. I actually got into a significant disagreement with my matron of honor, believe it or not, and we haven't spoken since the wedding. I did have a weak moment and contacted her a few months later, but she didn’t respond. And then I saw her at our 10 year high school reunion and it was like old times. For one day. And then nothing. I came to terms with the fact that some people are only meant to be in our lives for a time, and then we move on. In this case, it was a good thing that we moved on because we had grown into completely different people with different values, beliefs, and over all ideas of what is important in life. It was as if we were only holding on to our friendship for history's sake.
But, I am happy to hear you had a different outcome. Apparently the two of you have more memories to make!

4:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for you...
Another wedding this weekend?
You're taking this paid-photog thing by the horns!

5:35 PM  
Blogger Cathy said...

That's awesome! I have a best friend like that.. we go for a year without talking and then catch up in no time. I hated leaving her behind when I moved to AK. Love that you have a blog again!

10:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for you! That is a great story. Not just that, but doesn't it feel good to do what you think is right? And then telling us about it makes us (or at least me) feel good too. So you're sharing the wealth.

5:17 AM  
Blogger Kranki said...

Your post has made me think. I had a good friend who I no longer talk to because she acted totally batshit and ruined a Hawaiian holiday we were on 2 years ago. I really miss her and but I am just not sure I can forgive her for her behaviour and trust her again. I am afraid she will spaz out and act like a freakshow again which really scared me when it went down. I totally don't need that. But she was always so much fun....

Hmmmm. Thinking....

6:30 PM  

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