Friday, December 15, 2006

Freakme Friday

I'm out the door for our office Christmas party, but first I need to buy a pie. For the party.

Earlier today, I was out of the office for a party. In my pie.

Sorry, that's about all I can think of right now.

I love pie parties. And parties with pies.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Hello, readers. I mean, mom.

I've been without internet in my methplex for almost two weeks, due to a tragic mac charger breakdown, courtesy of my asshole dog. The bitch broke my charger, and when my battery died, I was without my lifeline. Mac supplies aren't sold ANYWHERE in the town where I reside, so I was forced to order a charger off of Well, in my haste, I ordered the wrong one.

Back to the fucking drawing board.

A few days later, I tracked down the right apparatus, and placed my order, making sure to FedEx 2 Day that cock sucker. And, finally, today, my life has returned to normal.

Since my last update, I went on my first deer hunting adventure. My job was to spread my scent through a tree grove, and obviously, spreading my scent is already one of my strengths, so the outing was a success. I threw my scent around in hopes of scaring a doe, a deer, a female deer out of a tree grove, so that she'd run directly towards my big hunk of man meat, and meet her maker via bow and arrow. We didn't have any luck, but at least I broke my deer hunting cherry, and duh, that counts for something.

The holiday spirit hasn't captured me whatsoever. I despise Christmas music, I have zero decorations up, and my shopping isn't getting done. I'm pretty tickled about getting my stocking stuffed this year, and fashioning underwear made of mistletoe, but other than that, fuck it. I'm too distracted to put effort into any HO HO HO besides myself. Twatever, man.

In other news, I've started watching the Ultimate Fighting Championship on purpose. I've lost my god damn mind.