Thursday, November 02, 2006

Almost 28, and it's the first time ever.

So, today, November 2nd, 2006, I had lunch with my BOYFRIEND. Yep, you fucking read that right. I left my professional job, where I have my own office, to have lunch in a RESTAURANT with MY boyfriend. Wow. Lots of those words have definitely been under used in my vocabulary. But, I definitely like how all of them sound. Oh, wait wait wait. I've got a few more words to try out.....

Last night, I made homemade pizza in MY house for MY boyfriend, and then we sat on my couch and stuffed our faces and took turns belching LOUDLY, and it was fucking great!

The weather here on the prairie is beating my ass up. My knuckles are cracking and bleeding, my mouth looks like the god damn Joker, because the corners are cracked and dried, and I've been snorting snot and crud from nose to throat and then out of my mouth all week. Who's hot? I'm hot! I even spit some of that shit out of my window today while I was driving, after my new kick ass co-worker encouraged me to do so. I'm pretty sure it's frozen on the side of my ride, but whatev. That shit's in style in these here parts.

So, updating is minimal, but life is good, bloody knuckles and all. Stay tuned. I'll be around.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea for boyfriends! I'm glad you're happy and that your kitty's happy.

You can save your knuckles by using "Corn Huskers Lotion". My ex-husband, asshole that he was, evidentally was good for one thing. I learned that that stuff was great for people that worked outside in the cold. It keeps their hands from cracking and bleeding. Put it on like you would regular hand lotion before you go to bed. You can get it at Wally World or Target.

7:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am so veklempt! nice.

7:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bag Balm is also exxxxcellent for chapped hands, chapped balls or chapped...whatever. Happy Friday!

11:17 AM  
Blogger Marit said...

Bag balm. hahaha--always reminds me of this...

Our golden retriever, shadow, used to have the biggest nutsack ever. when we'd take him to maine, he'd roam free and would spend a good part of the day swimming and climbing along the rocks. so much, that his ballsack would be all chaffed and crusty. we used to have to lather it up with bag balm.

11:28 AM  

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