Tuesday, January 02, 2007

I'm still standing. Like Elton.

The updation station over in these parts has been out of tune. I just can't seem to nail down a topic to discuss, or a story to share. Most of my thoughts have been consumed with work, boyfriend, work, holidays, boyfriend, work, blah blah blah. I can't tell the work stories, for fear of getting my walking papers handed to me, and I don't WANT to tell the boyfriend stories all the time, because I think some of the moments are better left to just us. Blabbing about all of our time together, or chats, or whatnot just doesn't seem right for some reason. Weird, I know, since I typically over share. But, whatever.

My routine has gotten to be pretty bland up in these parts. I need to spice it up somehow, but at this point, the only spice I can think of is salt, via my sweaty body after a fat run at the Y. I've got too much time on my hands, and it's getting depressing. I definitely miss my posse of friends that I left behind in my old city, and that's really been coming to light lately. I don't have folks like that here on a regular basis. The main man and his bro provide for hella laughs, but that isn't a daily thing, ya know? We live over an hour apart, so those moments have some days in between them. And, well, he's a guy, so it's not the same as having a girlfriend around all the time that knows exactly what you mean when you're simply raising an eyebrow. Crapadoody, ya know?

Leftover pizza and my other main man, Dog the Bounty Hunter, are calling, so I'm outski.