Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Do you ever avoid music because you know it'll result in an emotional response?

Let's discuss.

One recent example in MY world is a song by Michael Buble, of all people. Boob Lay has a song called "Home" that I can still barely listen to, but for the past few weeks, as the soldier was getting closer, I couldn't listen to it at all, not even on that fucking Martha Stewart commercial. I knew I'd cry. And, well, that's just not how I roll. But, the words, the music, all of it, it didn't just tug at my heartstrings, it nearly ripped those fuckers out ONE.BY.ONE.

Another song that just about wells my dry eyes up is "Blower's Daughter" by Damien Rice. It transports me back to the exact moment when the movie "Closer" came out, and that song was the one played in the trailer. That time in my life was not a good one, and I associate that movie AND that song with extreme unhappiness and misery. But, naturally, there are times when I sorta kinda wanna feel sorry for myself, just for a little spice in my life, so I listen to that song and tune into a few minutes of the flick when I happen upon it on HBO.

Currently, I can't bring myself to listen to a variety of sappy love songs, because nostalgia will take over and I'll be a real, well, uh, hmm, how do I say this....A REAL GIRL. So, I've been spending my free time listening to a lot of stupid, senseless music that reminds me of dry humping my girlfriends on the dance floor, or American Idol, or elementary school.

I guess I can't imagine people not being able to relate to this sort of thing, but maybe they're out there.

In closing, Jerry Springer should have been voted off of "Dancing With The Stars" six fucking weeks ago. Before the shit even started. That crusty fuck belongs at a polka party. 'Nuff said.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

in the past, as you may well remember, there would be a song on the radio and i would tell you to turn it off or i would just turn it off - you would get so pissed at me. well, now you know - there are songs that just put a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye even if i am not sad - and as for movies, i can't watch "saving private ryan" or anything related to the military because it reminds me of matt being in iraq - just.can't.do.it. -

6:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dry hump this.............

7:02 AM  
Blogger KULA said...

I know we had this discussion before when I said that I don't really think of music that way. But recently I discovered that I was wrong. Although, I don't have specific songs that do that to me, at least not that I know of, but there are certain moments in certain movies that definitely have that effect on me! I don't like it, and certainly when there are people around!

8:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

come some rainy day- winona

7:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amish Paradise by Weird Al. It always puts a lump in my throat.

L to the L

7:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are songs about women in bad relationships, that finally get the strength to get out. They kill me.

There are commercials that I can't watch because I cry, especially during the holidays.

I think it's a combination of being a girl, a mother and having hormones. If they don't effect you, I think it makes you less of a person. Not all the time, mind you, but there are some things that should get to you and make you have that feeling.

BTW. Who's the anon asshole? Time for Haloscan!

6:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


6:41 AM  
Blogger Kranki said...

Red Guitar by David Sylvian. I used to listen to that during the teenage angst years and recently I played it again for old time's sake and started bawling like a baby. Those feelings came up again. Weirdolicious.

11:17 AM  
Blogger Opera Gal said...

I talk about this all the time on the opera newsgroup, because studies have been done correlating Wagner's music and the visceral emotional response that it engineers in rational human beings.

The Liebestod is an extremely familiar piece from Tristan und Isolde - I have been known to actually want to throw up because the music evokes the death of the lover/madness so completely.

and by way of further explanantion, I have never seen this opera live - this is all based on just listening to the music.

12:28 PM  
Blogger Opera Gal said...

jerry made me laugh - i was glad he stayed on for a while - Carson Tucker? waste of space.

12:29 PM  

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