Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Holy shit, I'm boring.

Hi, uh, reader.

I'm still alive. Still mouthy. Still watching a ton of cable. Actually, I've become a text messaging sports correspondent for one special someone during his times of need when he's not in front of a television to catch the World Series hoopla. I've never watched more baseball in my life, but interestingly, I'm starting to like it. I understand it, I've got the rules down, that's not a challenge, but I've never really had the attention span to sit through an entire game. I'm thinking that I might actually have a desire to attend a game in '07 for something MORE than the hotdogs and nachos.

My manfriend and his dog stayed here at my methplex last night, and as a result, my pup was locked out of my room because she would have been lunch meat if her and the other pooch were to have made contact. To show her appreciation for eight hours of neglect, she spread the contents of my VERY LARGE purse around my entire house. She ate enough chapstick and gum to keep the mouths of an entire chain gang moisturized and freshly scented. As a result, her soft serve turds have been attractively decorated with silver foil all evening long. I want her dead. Okay, just kidding, but I think I might shake her for a few days. I mean minutes.

My work gig remains entertaining and well, entertaining. I've got a new co-worker who is roughly the same age as me, DEFINITELY the same gender as me, and thankfully, foul mouthed like me. I'm totally digging being Cagney while she's Lacy. Within the first week of being co-workers, we were already comparing notes on our trips to the shitter, so well, duh, she's my kind of girl.

In other news, there is no news, and well, no news is good news. So, there's your news.


Blogger Jason said...

The boring people need to unite and whip out the entertaining people..


10:15 PM  
Blogger KULA said...

Dude, baseball is fun! I wish you liked it this much back when I took you to a sweltering Wrigley Field. Baseball there is like no other place. Tell your man-friend I hope the Cards lose :) Wait, I think we had that conversation before, didn't we? When he was still in I-RACK.

10:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Always good to have a partner in crime at the workplace. :)

11:09 AM  
Blogger Marit said...

I feel like the biggest moron. I JUST found this blog. Christ--you must have felt like i was your grandmother, making you repeat stories on the phone.

8:16 PM  

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